NDS Zerowire Ultra
The latest advancement in NDSsi’s award-winning ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless technology, NDS Zerowire Ultra allows up to nine transmitter/receiver pairs to operate simultaneously within neighboring vicinities (75-feet radius). Utilizing an innovative system of “Time Frequency Coding,” NDS Zerowire Ultra units are programmed to change frequency bands in a specific sequence and timing, creating nine non-interfering channels. This enables a significant increase in wireless capability for the modern OR. Delivering full HD surgical video in real time, with less than 1-frame latency, NDS Zerowire Ultra provides a robust wireless video link, is easy to install, and complies with the EN 60601-1-2 standard. The NDS Zerowire Ultra solution helps eliminate cables, reduce cleaning time, and improve OR safety.
Give us a call to discuss your requirements and so we can offer you the best solution to your needs.